Working Papers
R&R at American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. Slightly older version available as FRB Minneapolis Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute (OIGI) Working Paper No.70.
I build a HANK (heterogeneous-agent New-Keynesian) model with racial inequality, and study how monetary policy affects different racial groups differently.
with Irina A. Telyukova. Accepted at American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.
We study how differences in medical expense risks and the public health insurance between the U.S. and Sweden affect asset decumulation behavior of retirees, using a full life-cycle model.
with Nils Gornemann and Keith Kuester. Also available as FRB Minneapolis Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute (OIGI) Working Paper No.50.
We build the first HANK model with labor market frictions and study heterogeneous welfare implications of monetary policy.
I study the macroeconomic, distributional, and welfare implications of pandemic policies which are already implemented or currently discussed.
with Jose-Victor Rios-Rull. Also available as FRB Philadelphia Working Paper No.19-48 and NBER Working Paper No. 20617 (older version).
We report business cycle properties of unsecured consumer credit and bankruptcies, and investigate the underlying mechanism.
with Vladimir Smirnyagin.
We investigate how variance and skewness of labor income risks fluctuate over the business cycles.
with Didem Tuzemen.
We investigate health and labor market implications of the ACA, using an equilibrium model with worker and firm heterogeneity.
I study how rising income inequality affects prices of housing and financial assets.